Should You Repair or Replace a Broken Garage Door

Whether it's minor damage or a mechanical error, explore important factors to consider when deciding whether to repair or replace a broken garage door.

Around 9% of burglars use a home’s garage door to access a house. Homeowners must ensure their garage door functions properly to protect their homes against unwanted guests. 

If you have a broken garage door, it needs to be addressed immediately. Not only do you want to deter thieves from breaking in, but you also want to protect your belongings against thieves and rodents. You can either repair your garage door or replace it. 

This guide will go over whether or not you should repair or replace a broken garage door. 

What Kind of Damage Does Your Broken Garage Door Have?

If your garage door is broken, you should evaluate how much damage it’s sustained. It could either be severe or cosmetic damage. 

The damage could be minor and not affect your door’s function or structural integrity. A large crack or chipped paint is considered cosmetic. If your garage door is experiencing cosmetic damage, then garage door repair is usually the way to go. 

Moderate damage can affect the structural integrity of your garage door. A rusted or warped door won’t work as well as it should. You’ll want to look into garage door replacement if you have structural damage. 

Severe damage is when your garage door won’t close or open as it’s designed to. Some serious damage can include:

  • Closes and opens occasionally 
  • Makes bad sounds
  • Won’t open or close at all 

Before replacing your garage door, you should check that your problem isn’t something simple. You could need to update your garage door opener or install some new springs. 

How Extensive Is the Damage?

If your garage door has several minor damage issues, repairing a garage door could start to add up. It might be time to upgrade if your garage door screeches when it opens and has cracked panels. You want to evaluate if the door poses a security risk to your household. 

Cost of Repair vs. Replacement

Deciding whether to replace or repair your garage door could also boil down to cost. If the cost to repair your garage door adds up to potentially cost more than a new door, then you might want to opt for a new door. There are various options available for garage doors that won’t completely blow your budget. 

How Old Is Your Garage Door?

Your garage door might only have minor damage but could be over 10 years old. If so, you might want to think about replacing it. An old garage door will likely need to be replaced sooner than you think. 

It might not be worth it to invest in repairing an older door that doesn’t have a lot of life left. You can also enjoy the benefits of a newer, modern door if you decide to upgrade. 

Don’t Wait to Address a Broken Garage Door

Whether you decide to repair or replace a broken garage door depends upon the extent and type of damage. Don’t wait to address the issues, so you don’t compromise the security of your home. 

For more home improvement ideas, check out one of our other articles. 

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